Planning and Design of New Diplomatic Housing Village and Ancillaries Project in Gigiri
Preparation of planning reports, Master planning, project development control and statutory approval process.
Preparation of Local Physical Development Plans for Selected Towns in Kilifi County (GIS, Jilore, Songorosa and Shomela)
Plans to optimise use of existing resources, industrial development and rural-urban linkages for employment and decent livelihoods that increase economic empowerment of the communities in the region.
Review of Proposal for Housing & Government Precinct Projects in the Nairobi Railway City Project
Peer review of proposal for housing & government precinct projects to align them with policy development guidelines and the prevailing social economic circumstances. Preparation of an outlines Preliminary Environment and Social Impact Assessment to support ARUP's work in the NRC Development
Preparation of Local Physical Development for 5 Zones, Kisumu City
Sub-Consultancy with Branded Solution Services Limited that involved social economic and spatial analysis of the city's development, visioning, development strategies, governance and institutional responses.